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School Site Council

2024-25 School Site Council

Our next School Site Council Meeting is February 6, 2025 at 3 pm. Please see Parent Square or the Viking Voice for Zoom meeting link. All parents/guardians are invited to attend. 

January Meeting Minutes: 


January 23, 2025


Meeting Called to Order at 3:02 pm


Member Roll Call

  1. Mignon Perkins
  2. Jessica Moreno
  3. Harlye Carlton
  4. Jennifer Philips
  5. Heather Martin
  6. Kevin Liebe
  7. Lindsey Gailmard 


Public Comment

  • Students excited for science fair


Reviewing and Approving December Minutes

  • Budget slides for internal use – not to be included with December minutes
  • Post agenda and minute notes publicly
  • Approved



  • No December Meeting Scheduled
  • January Meeting: election of Board members
  • ELPAC Testing: February 1 - April 31, 2025
    • Listening, speaking, reading, writing skills
    • 4 levels: score of 4 necessary to reclassify 
    • Alternate ELPACs explained using preferred communication mode (accommodations for expressive and receptive communication)
    • Feedback: teachers need to emphasize writing about what students are reading
    • Celebrate traditions and build language skills 
  • TK enrollment: February 3, 2025; Re-enrollment: February 10, 2025
  • Connecting Families and Culture: January 30, 6-7 pm 
  • Math adoption: Reveal Math and Experience Math (elementary); Reveal Math and Illustrative Math (middle school)
    • First Pilot, February 17-March 14: Second Pilot; April recommendations for school board approval 
  • February 22 at Loma Vista: “Understanding Psych Reports”
  • ICE recommendations and resources (e.g., Stand Together Contra Costa)


Hatchings School Counselor and Principal PD

  • Identify focal scholars, identify opportunities for additional assistance 


Professional Development

  • ELA ILT PD - Science of Reading Training
  • 5th Grade: Attends next week
  • 1st Grade: Useful training, using engaging activities (e.g., “zip around” 2-3 minute stations with a student leader, mixed ability levels)
  • Data collection: AMPLIFY assessment program, share data with reading specialist, target assistance


Old Business

  • Discuss budget after reviewing safety plan 


New Business

  1. Safety Plan - Annual Review
    1. Responsibilities: Update Plan for the current year; Public meeting February 6 pm at 3 pm
    2. Update: update yearly, short responses, will include ICE plan
    3. Campus Disturbances and Disruptions: protocol and procedure for safety drills, review at next meeting
    4. School Interventions and Support Systems
    5. Goals/Projects: 
      1. Campus Beautification: field repair (PTA priority)
        1. Need a designated contact to reach out to district with expertise
        2. Use data on adverse consequences (injuries, cancellations)
      2. Security Gate
        1. Not a priority for the district 
    6. Safety drill feedback: lessons from unexpected lockdown
    7. Share safety plan?
      1. Cautioned to not to share in detail 
      2. SSC role in approval process: can raise significant changes (need to make data-informed changes)


  1. Mid-Year SPSA Progress Review (Survey Development for Community Input)
    1. Budget Discrepancies: 
      1. Engage student in activities and strategies that foster independence (instructional walkthroughs: $800 LCFF)
      2. Continue to offer student leadership opportunities (student council supplies: $2500 SD; resources: $1250 SD and student club resources: $1250 SD
      3. Additional $500 for Goal #1 ($44,250 total)
    2. Survey edits and adding in additional question about categories
      1. Harlye volunteers to help modify survey 
      2. Request editing rights given to SSC and school administration
      3. Google survey (suggestion for Survey Monkey; Parent Square survey tool)


Agenda for next meeting

  • Public Input on Safety Plan 
  • Old Business: 
    • Voting on language for SPSA goal feedback survey
    • Budget review


Next Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 (3:00-4:30 pm)


Meeting Adjourned at 4:22 pm