School Site Council
2024-25 School Site Council
Our next School Site Council Meeting is February 6, 2025 at 3 pm. Please see Parent Square or the Viking Voice for Zoom meeting link. All parents/guardians are invited to attend.
January Meeting Minutes:
January 23, 2025
Meeting Called to Order at 3:02 pm
Member Roll Call
- Mignon Perkins
- Jessica Moreno
- Harlye Carlton
- Jennifer Philips
- Heather Martin
- Kevin Liebe
- Lindsey Gailmard
Public Comment
- Students excited for science fair
Reviewing and Approving December Minutes
- Budget slides for internal use – not to be included with December minutes
- Post agenda and minute notes publicly
- Approved
- No December Meeting Scheduled
- January Meeting: election of Board members
- ELPAC Testing: February 1 - April 31, 2025
- Listening, speaking, reading, writing skills
- 4 levels: score of 4 necessary to reclassify
- Alternate ELPACs explained using preferred communication mode (accommodations for expressive and receptive communication)
- Feedback: teachers need to emphasize writing about what students are reading
- Celebrate traditions and build language skills
- TK enrollment: February 3, 2025; Re-enrollment: February 10, 2025
- Connecting Families and Culture: January 30, 6-7 pm
- Math adoption: Reveal Math and Experience Math (elementary); Reveal Math and Illustrative Math (middle school)
- First Pilot, February 17-March 14: Second Pilot; April recommendations for school board approval
- February 22 at Loma Vista: “Understanding Psych Reports”
- ICE recommendations and resources (e.g., Stand Together Contra Costa)
Hatchings School Counselor and Principal PD
- Identify focal scholars, identify opportunities for additional assistance
Professional Development
- ELA ILT PD - Science of Reading Training
- 5th Grade: Attends next week
- 1st Grade: Useful training, using engaging activities (e.g., “zip around” 2-3 minute stations with a student leader, mixed ability levels)
- Data collection: AMPLIFY assessment program, share data with reading specialist, target assistance
Old Business
- Discuss budget after reviewing safety plan
New Business
- Safety Plan - Annual Review
- Responsibilities: Update Plan for the current year; Public meeting February 6 pm at 3 pm
- Update: update yearly, short responses, will include ICE plan
- Campus Disturbances and Disruptions: protocol and procedure for safety drills, review at next meeting
- School Interventions and Support Systems
- Goals/Projects:
- Campus Beautification: field repair (PTA priority)
- Need a designated contact to reach out to district with expertise
- Use data on adverse consequences (injuries, cancellations)
- Security Gate
- Not a priority for the district
- Campus Beautification: field repair (PTA priority)
- Safety drill feedback: lessons from unexpected lockdown
- Share safety plan?
- Cautioned to not to share in detail
- SSC role in approval process: can raise significant changes (need to make data-informed changes)
- Mid-Year SPSA Progress Review (Survey Development for Community Input)
- Budget Discrepancies:
- Engage student in activities and strategies that foster independence (instructional walkthroughs: $800 LCFF)
- Continue to offer student leadership opportunities (student council supplies: $2500 SD; resources: $1250 SD and student club resources: $1250 SD)
- Additional $500 for Goal #1 ($44,250 total)
- Survey edits and adding in additional question about categories
- Harlye volunteers to help modify survey
- Request editing rights given to SSC and school administration
- Google survey (suggestion for Survey Monkey; Parent Square survey tool)
- Budget Discrepancies:
Agenda for next meeting
- Public Input on Safety Plan
- Old Business:
- Voting on language for SPSA goal feedback survey
- Budget review
Next Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 (3:00-4:30 pm)
Meeting Adjourned at 4:22 pm